Romsey Youth choir

Find out about the choir and what we are up to

Germany 2024 5

What a night! A huge thank you to Stadtkirche Freudenstadt for their wonderful pre-concert hospitality, providing a really delicious sit down tea for 72 people. We then got ourselves ready for our evening concert. The acoustics in the church were incredible, such a privilege to sing in this building, we could all feel just how special this performance was. At the end of the concert we received a standing ovation from a very large appreciative audience. We danced our way back to the coach and were just about to pull away when a man handed a donation to our driver big enough to purchase 72 ice creams and a new piece of music for the choir – so incredibly generous. A huge thank you to everyone who made this evening possible, especially Jörg Sander.

Italy Tour 2023 Day 6.2

Wow wow wow! What an incredible experience – we have just sung mass in San Marco, Venice. Absolutely amazing acoustics. Our director was very pleased to be congratulated by the San Marco organist on such a very good choir. So lovely to have so many parents join us for this incredibly moving privilege for our choir. We even had some German visitors who were sat behind us at the opera in Verona who came to the service especially to hear us sing. What a fabulous end to our wonderful tour of northern Italy 🎶